
Editor's Note

Gandhiji's Autobiography* and his Satyagraha in South Africa+, as published in English, run into almost 1000 pages. An abridgement++ of these two into a single volume of 283 pages was published in 1952 by the Navajivan Trust. A request was recently received for a stil smaller version for use in our schools. This book has been specially prepared to meet the need.

Matters which are not likely to be of much interest to school children have been omitted, and the language has been simplified where possible. Topics for essays and discussions have been suggested at the end of most of the chapters. They have been framed to suit both higher and lower classes. Teachers may select from them the questions which are within the capacity of their pupils to tackle. An interesting period may be spent by the class discussing together one or other of the more difficult topics, and then in another period the pupils may be asked to write an essay on the topic.

Bharatan Kumarappa
July, 1955

* Published by Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad-380 014, price Rs. 20, Popular Edn.
+ Published by Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad-380014, price Rs. 15
++ i. e. Gandhiji's Autobiography [Abridged], price Rs. 10