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Bad Dreams

To strive is the whole duty of man. And if the enemy floors us while we continue the struggle to the best of our ability, let us not be down-hearted in the least. We must be on our legs again and resume the struggle. There is no reason to be ashamed so long as we have not contributed to our defeat, for it is not a defeat at all.

Be very careful to avoid bad dreams. If at any time during the night you find yourself excited, don't give way to laziness, but get up at once, drink cold water, sit in it and pour it on the genitals. Very often it is enough to rise, walk to and fro and take Ramanama. Again whenever we have the time, we should remember chaste men like Bhishma and their spiritual strength. Or men like Andrews, Pearson and Kitchin if Bhishma appears to be rather remote. If we feel that even these are remote, we may fall back upon the five who are in the Ashram. Resolve that you too can do what they can. Pondering over the meaning of the Gita verses recited during the evening prayers is also very helpful.