
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhi & Education

» Gandhi's views on education
» Gandhi on Value Education - By Ravindra Kumar
» A Gandhian Agenda for Universal Education - By Swachid K. Rangan
» Peace Education for the Millennium - By Kulandhaisamy
» Mahatma Gandhi And Higher Education: A Critical Analysis - By Dr. Ravindra Kumar
» Gandhi's Critique of Education
» Gandhiji's Basic Education: A Medium of Value Education - By Dr. Sitaram P. Deshmukh
» Education and Peace - By Dr. Ravindra Kumar
» Gandhi's concept of Education and its ethical perspective for the development of Peace -By Dr. Akham Hemabati Devi
» Education and Peace : A Gandhian Perspective -By Dr. Ravindra Kumar
» Education for Swaraj : A Gandhian Perspective
» Role of Education and Culture in Rural Development - By Dr. S. V. Prabhath
» In the Field and in the Academy: An Outsider's Observations - By Thomas Weber
» Mahatma Gandhi Global Village a Model of Basic Education: To Teach Self Reliance & Respect for Manual Labour - By Dr. Umakant Chanshetti and Ms. Sangita Shah
» The Gandhian Concept of 'Swaraj' in Education - By C A. Reena Desai
» My Magical School - By Dr. Abhay Bang
» Towards a Gandhian Educational System
» Lessons and Imperatives from Experiments of Basic Education in India - By Dr. D.M. Diwakar
» Mahatma Gandhi and his philosophy of education - By Ravindra Kumar
» Gandhi's Educational Thoughts - By Dr Shruti Tandon
» Bridging Past and Present: A Gandhian Perspective on India's National Education Policy 2020 - Dr Bhaskar Kumar Kakati New
» Education - By Gandhi
» The story of Nayee Talim (Complete book online) - Marjorie Sykes
» Evil Wrought By The English Medium (Complete book online) - By M.K. Gandhi
» For more articles...