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Swadeshi, Globalization and Agricultural Women Workers

- By Gurpinder Kumar*

Swadeshi term is used for that where a country produce all the goods it needs from its own resources. It’s included that inside the country every village/region that produce all it needs by using own local resources. Gandhi used to say that Swadeshi Dharma demands that India should boycott all foreign goods, even if they might be beneficial to it. Swadeshi means also that the things in our country are available in the village should enjoy the same things together whether it's agriculture, small industry, etc. Handy-crafted items as needed according to the access should be use. Sacrifice of Swadeshi relatives also had to pay so it should serve the household. Human beings are not able to do everything themselves. But they are able to serve their neighbours. To nurture the spirit of Swadeshi one could keep on dealing with his neighbour and he can do business also. Things we can produce in the country should not be imported from abroad. In word Swadeshi is neighbourly Feeling of affinity. But at presently country importing all kind goods from abroad. Its effect the economy of country as well as living condition & economic structure of country’s people.

At presently scenario is changed, L.P.G. (Liberalization, Privatization & Globalization) & new economic policies were laid by Indian Government on 1991. In that process it’s made free trade among the countries of the world. It’s based on the principle that on account of several factors some countries could specialize in the production of certain goods in most expensive way. Technological flows of market in different countries in terms of production of goods or services are dependent on each other. If you see the history of globalization, we will find that from Bill Gates to Aziz Premji, the market's big celebrities are the results of globalization. The difference between rich - poor has also increased around the world during last five decades. The rich people’s income increased 7 times. During 1960 to 1991, 70 to 85% income has risen for 20% population of the people. The gap between rich and poor is growing on and on. According to Stephen Graffdy ‘‘the greatest danger of globalization is that state loses control over the economy, profit can be taken out of the country and local accountability of companies seems to be over. Poor and often unscrupulous land issues under globalization come out to the bottom of the work in poverty were less than expected.'' 43% people of India are directly or indirectly dependent on agriculture for a livelihood. But export earnings from agriculture are only 0.6%. In the process of Globalization and economic liberalization since last two - three decades all different issues of developing countries  at different scales by World Bank, W. T.O. and multinational companies to protect the interests of several other U.S. system. This the economic plight of the major protector. Liberalization of customs duties under these programmes includes tax reduction. Cursory look at these provisions in the international market shows an increase in India's competitiveness. These policies affect the poor, disadvantaged rural farm workers and women workers. 

Most of the third world countries economy is based on agriculture. Agriculture is a major part of our country's economy. The means of livelihood of 65 percent people are based on agriculture. Structural adjustment under the terms of the loan and first five year plan were loaded with policy issues which affected the farmers and women worker of the country's agricultural sector. A closer look at the past six decades, in the national scenario, will show a highly fearful view. During capitalist dominance democracy is getting many problems. This scenario suggests that, imperialist globalization is anti-people and undemocratic. Today, the contradiction between economic growth and social welfare can be seen clearly. Before that social services and welfare of the nation were insufficient, as well as the general public had a right to which he had worked hard to achieve. But in recent years, gradually this became less. Today, the way of life and growth of the poor, disadvantaged and rural farm workers are well below, the index. Indian state always had an upper class with patriarchal system .This is based on their interest which we can see from several interesting angles. Today the World Bank is saying that because of its structural adjustment programme, the human development will be taken care. Government claims of poverty alleviation are proved as false at the time when we look at the high price rates. Reality is that, economic policies have adversely affected the poor class, farmer and women workers. This sad position is clearly reflected when we see poverty, malnutrition, access to health services and unemployment figures. The arrival of certain new policies made to cut the spending on rural development and agriculture. The situation is getting worse. The new agricultural policy has come; it is contrary to the Constitution of India. Schedule 7 of the Constitution is written- Agriculture and land issues are completely state issues, not the issue of central government. But WTO is planning to eliminate the power of Parliament today. India's sovereignty has been limited. Our country called as sovereign state that time, which means that the government had their own rights.  In 1996 matter of bank nationalization when came to the Supreme Court of India said that India's Parliament has right to prove that man is woman, India's Parliament has so weakened the sovereignty of the Parliament, has become the dummy. That parliament will do good for poorer people and rural - agricultural women workers. On the other hand institutions like the WTO want to destroy our culture, so our fight will be over.  During   Green Revolution 1966-67, after liberalization and National Policy on Agricultural 2000, India had a profound great impact on agriculture and increasing in farming system. In which all types of agricultural equipment like - ploughing, cleaning, tractor, combine, etc has been mechanised. It has badly affected the occupation of poorer and rural - farmer labourer women and men.

 The Green Revolution and the liberal era of modern agricultural system using new techniques, have its profound impact on poorer and rural - farmer women labourer and their general socio - economic situation. Green Revolution in Punjab and other states adopted the strategy of technological change as a result of the very deep impact on the lives of poor rural - farmer and labourer women. Liberalization policies on the other side badly affected to landless rural - farmer and labourer women which also displaced them. The major issue of debate in South Asian history is the Green Revolution in India. If, we will discuss about the agricultural labourer women in rural Punjab, their socio-economic situation being changed by agricultural reform and construction of Bhakhra Dam. After the Green Revolution mechanised equipments were made. W.T.O., A.O.A.  and World bank affected Structured patriarchal system of rural -farmer and labourer women very badly. Which is because their socio - economic situation has been down. Mainly because discrimination on the basis of sex-gender of underdeveloped poor  families. On the other hand today there is no virgin female rural farm workers. Male is also affected. Because the system used cosmetics and material resources and is forced to purchase. Thus their economic - social, health and cultural status were affected.

Even so, I  think we can solve the problems through indigenous methods. The slogan was the slogan of freedom of indigenous land, and today narrow minded people are telling that within 60 years the world has really changed. Freedom of the world controlled by the power of the money. Few people run the business and money in the hands of a few people. The world's resources were to capture through competition. So what changed? Yes, one thing has changed big companies and institutions MNCs are controlling the nations. Through economic slavery.

A similar picture on the other side is poor are getting poorer. Small shopkeepers and small industries are getting to an end. The Condition is so bad that farmers continue to commit suicide. The solution is in Gandhi's ideas, Swaraj..Go to the village ........ Our indigenous people live as would come in handy. Khadi and Village Industries the poor indigenous people can start cottage industries. Underprivileged and rural farm women's problems are to be resolved. More and more people can get jobs. Our actions and use practical training instead of theoretical learning.

So we will welcome cottage industry and small businesses and also use the goods neighbourhood. People living in neighbourhood should cooperate above religion and community identities. my first duty to protect her/his will. Neighbouring country to enhance the brotherhood. Are you ready? Domestic goods as possible in my house ha will be needed. It is my belief! What do you do? It is my belief that if i do these things today village industries and domestic goods in my native place prospers by using indigenous raw materials.


  1. Burries Beverly H., “Women and technology and gender in workplace”, Socail problems, Vol. 36, April 1989 : 165-180
  2. Jose A.V., “Limited options(Women workers in rural india)”, world employment programme
  3. Kelkar Govind, “Women’s work and agricultural technology”, CWDS, New Delhi
  4. Nayar B.R., “India Globalization : Evaluating the economic consequences”, Vistar publications, New Delhi, 2007
  5. Singh D.P., “Women workers in unorganised sector”, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2005
  6. (Edit.) Tripathy S.N., “Unorganised women labour in India”, Discovery publishing house, New Delhi, 1996
  7. Varma S.K., “Women in agriculture : A socio-economic analysis”, Concept publishing company, New Delhi, 2002
  8. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi: Hind Swaraj and Other Writings, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997
  9. Autobiography: My experiment with Truth by MK Gandhi, Navjivan Trust, Ahmadabad
  10. Village Swaraj by MK Gandhi, Navjivan Trust, Ahmadabad
  11. Constructive Programme by MK Gandhi, Navjivan Trust, Ahmadabad
  12. Hind Swaraj by MK Gandhi, Navjivan Trust, Ahmadabad
  13. T.Prasad. Towards an Educated India: Gandhian engineering of Higher Education, Free Press Journal.
  14. Gandhiji's Autobiography-Review
  15. Mahatma Gandhi Enterprise Alan Axelrod

* Gurpinder Kumar, is former student of Mahatma Gandhi International Hindi University, Wardha (MS). He has done M.A., M.Phill. in Women Studies & UGC-NET also pursued his P.G.Diploma in Gandhian Thoughts at Institute of Gandhian Studies, Wardha | Email: