- Abernathy, Ralph 233
- Abstinence from Animal Food 362
- Alcott, Bronson 13
- Ahimsa 3, 9, 15, 17, 129, 133, 143, 168-9, 270,
- 279-80, 282-4, 314,321,327,329,331,333-40 (see also nonviolence)
- American civil war 226-9, 280
- American Friends Service Committee 201
- American Peace Society 226
- Andrews, C.F. 195-6, 367
- Angell, Norman 160
- Anti-Nuclear-Arms Convention 165, 167
- Aquinas, St Thomas 294
- Arjuna 122
- Arms race 184-5
- The Arms Race 263
- Asoka 6, 7, 15
- Assisi, Francesco d' 75
- Atom bomb 161, 242, 272, 274-5,279
- Augustine of Hippo 365
- Aurelius, Marcus 10, 351
- Azad, Abul Kalam 155
- Ballou, Adin
- Bardoli 45, 116
- Basic education 83, 258, 369, 373
- Beer, Samuel 102
- Bentham, Jeremy 325-6, 330
- Besant, Annie 381
- Bhagavad-Gita 3, 122, 143, 242, 270,308,324,334,348-9,351 354-7, 359, 380
- Bhudan 53, 369-70
- Bigelow, Albert 202
- Bismarck 230
- Bolsheviki 39
- Bondurant, Joan 91, 114, 144, 157, 205, 285, 311
- Bonhoffer 76
- Bose, Rabindra Nath 284
- Bose, Subhas Chandra 142
- Boston Peace Convention 35
- Bowles, Chester 203
- Brinton, Crane 90
- Brinton, Howard 11-2
- Buddha 4-6, 16, 114, 119, 280, 355,375,380
- Buddhism 6, 8, 354
- A Bunch of Old Letters 283
- Burritt, Elihu 227
- Camus, Albert 220-1
- Canby, Henry Seidel 13
- Case, Clarence Marsh 25, 41, 227
- Chaco Wars 182
- China 131, 140-1
- Choisy, Maryse 92
- Christianity 10, 33, 75-6, 361-2
- Christian love 197
- Christian non-resistance 70
- Christian pacifism 25
- Christians 11, 31-2, 68, 75-6, 204, 223, 255, 257, 351, 361, 363
- Christians, early 10, 29, 361
- Christian truth 11, 367
- Christ, Jesus 9-10, 16, 18, 31-3, 67-8, 73, 280, 339, 356-7, 360-1, 363-7, 375
- Christmas Island tests 287
- Churchill, Winston 160
- Church of Christ Scientist 364
- Civil disobedience 13-4, 90, 100, 147, 149-50, 200, 211, 227, 288, 317, 379, 381
- Civil rights movement 88, 108-9, 151, 197, 203-4, 209, 211-6, 218-9
- Clayton, Cranston 197
- Cold war 184, 249-50, 279-80
- Committee against Jim Crow in the Armed Forces 200
- Committee for Nonviolent Action 219
- Committee of Federal Organizations 209, 216
- Committee of One Hundred 92-3
- Committee of Racial Equality 46, 199
- Common Market, European 301
- Commonwealth, British 382
- Community development program 370
- Congress of Industrial Organizations 229
- The Conquest of Violence 91, 114
- Conscientious objectors 228
- Constructive work 84
- Contra Celsum 364
- Co-operative movement 370
- Co-ownership 259-60
- Darkness at Noon 328
- Datta, Dhirendra Mohan 282
- Debs, Eugene 39
- Decentralization 258-60, 296
- Delhi-to-Peking friendship march 205
- Dell, Floyd 89-90, 94
- Demilitarization 182
- Demintry 259
- Democratic Values and the Practice of Citizenship, 166
- Dewey, John 102
- Dharna 105
- Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War 46
- Disarmament 180-2, 185-90, 224, 263-64, 289, 345
- Disarmament, nuclear 183
- Disarmament, unilateral 165-7, 169, 178, 183-4, 189-91
- Diwakar, R.R. 88, 91, 289
- Dodge, David Low 226
- Donne, John 175
- Duragraha 99-102, 107-11
- Duragrahi 101, 108
- Einstein, Albert 170, 273
- Eisenhower, Dwight 173, 214-5
- Eliot, T.S. 335
- Emerson, Ralph Waldo 13
- Ends and means 321-31
- Ends and Means xv
- Engels, Friedrich 326
- Enneads 361
- Essenes 360,363
- Evers, Medgar W. 209
- Fairweather 361
- Faison, Negley 196
- Fellowship of Reconciliation 36, 199, 203, 227
- Ferdinand, Archduke Franz 174
- Fischer, Louis 205
- Fox, George 11, 32, 302
- Freud, Sigmund 176, 335
- The Friend 24
- Fromm, Eric 173
- Fullbright, John W. 215
- Gaitskell, Hugh 183
- Gandhi x-xvi, 44, 76, 83, 119, 130, 137, 291, 298, 310-1, 318, 326, 347, 349-51, 376, 382; and civil disobedience 146-7, 381; and the Congress 140-2, 144, 356; and the Gita 353, 355, 359; and Hitler 285; and industrialization 258; and Marxists 145-6; and Negroes 203; and nonviolence 132-3, 148, 171, 271, 280, 282-3, 313-5, 337, 358, 380; and nuclear weapons 266; and pacifists 23-5, 251; and politics 262, 308; and satyagraha 285, 289-90, 307, 341-2, 346, 348, 377, 383; and spirituality 123; and the West 195-6, 202, 204-5, 257, 378; and unilateral disarmament 189, 191, 244-5, and the U.S. peace movement 206-7; and World War 11 243; consistency in 312; his relevance ix; Jain influence on 8; misrepresentations of 139; on the atom bomb 242, 279; on the constructive program 47, 177, 369; on himself 138; on Jesus 68, 357; on karma 241; on means and ends 309, 321-4, 327-31; on morality 16, 134; on the Negro struggle 197; on nonviolence 18, 22, 47, 85, 143-4, 252, 267, 270; on peace 250; on satyagraha 45-8, 99, 105, 109, 111, 122, 129; on self-renunciation 17; on the Sermon on the Mount 9; on the State 316; on Thoreau 14; on Tolstoy I1-12; on trusteeship 317; on truth 15-6, 120-1, 246, 264, 281, 292-3, 303, 354, 379; on violence 108; on war 172, 174, 178-9, 249, 261
- Gandhian constructive program 18, 47, 177, 205-7, 329, 369, 372
- Gandhi and Stalin 205
- Gandhi centenary 383
- Gandhigram 369
- Gandhi, Kaba 14
- Gandhi on World Affairs 205
- Garrison, William Lloyd 35-6, 227
- Georgia 217
- Ghaffar Khan, Abdul 149
- Goa 131, 139, 142, 287
- Gramdan 53, 368, 370-2, 374
- The Great Illusion 160
- The Greek Passion 175
- Gregg, Richard B. 92,129, 143, 195, 205, 227
- Grimke, Thomas S. 226
- Grotius 292-3, 299
- Gunther, John 196
- Gyan Chand 52
- Hague Conference 188
- Hammarskjold, Dag 295
- Harijan 68, 349, 354, 360
- Harijans 83, 91, 372
- Harijan Sevak Sangh 369
- Hind Swaraj 321
- Hinduism 4, 16, 29, 333
- Hitler, Adolf 147-8, 154, 160, 188, 197, 240, 243, 255, 276, 285
- Holmes, John Haynes 195-6
- Hopi Indian nation 37
- Houser, George 199
- Howard University 205
- Hume, David 325
- Hunter Commission 148
- Hunter, Robert 229
- Huxley, Aldous xv, 122, 335
- Independent Labour Party 39
- Indian National Army 142
- Indian National Congress 140-1, 144-5, 155, 307, 315, 356
- Indian national movement 315
- Indian war of independence (Indian mutiny) 141
- Industrial revolution 254, 260
- Inside Asia 196
- International law 292
- Irwin (Lord) 142, 147
- Israel 374
- Ittoen 352-3, 355
- Jalianwala Bagh 148
- James, William 177
- Jaspers, Karl 290
- Jefferson, Thomas 225
- Jehovah's Witnesses 38-9
- Joad, C.E.M. xi
- Johnson, Lyndon 175, 215-6
- Johnson, Mordecai 203
- Johnson, Paul B. 216
- John the Baptist 364
- John, the Gospel according to St 363
- Jones, E. Stanley 196, 282
- Jones, Rufus 196
- Journal of Conflict Resolution 205
- Justinian 362
- Juvenal 360
- Kachongva, Dan 37
- Kahn, Herman 188
- Kalinga War 15
- Kalki 270
- Karma 322-3, 327
- Kashmir 131, 139, 141, 165
- Kasturba Gandhi Memorial Trust 369
- Kautilya 324, 326
- Kazansakis, Nikos 175
- Kennedy, J.F. 181, 215
- Khadi 83, 308, 368
- Kher, V.B. 284
- Khruschov, Nikita 181
- Killing No Murder 324
- The Kingdom of God Is Within You xii, 11
- King-Hall, Stephen 170
- King, Martin Luther ix, xv, 81, 94, 132, 210, 216, 232-3, 287, 351
- Kipling, Rudyard 358
- Korean War 201
- Krishna 354, 357
- Kumarappa, Bharatan 24
- Kumarappa, J.C. 145
- Kuper, Leo 25
- Labour movement 198
- Lathrop, John 226
- Law of the harvest 82, 84
- Lawrence textile strike 198
- Lead Kindly Light 205
- League of Nations 188, 246, 275, 346
- Lenin, V.I. 326-7
- Leprosy 369
- Lester, Muriel 196
- Liebnecht, Karl 39
- Lincoln, Abraham 175
- Lippman, Walter 175
- Little Rock 214
- Lloyd, Selwyn 181
- Lohia, Rammanohar 52
- London, Jack 230
- Lowell, James Russell 227
- Luke, the Gospel according to St 366
- Luthuli, John 290
- Luxemburg, Rosa 39
- Lynd, Staughton 205
- MacArthur, Douglas 172
- Macdonald, Dwight 206
- Machiavelli, Niccolo 324-6, 329
- Macmillan, Harold 286
- Mahabharata 3-4, 334
- Mahatma Gandhi: His Own Story 367
- Mahatma Gandhi: the Last Phase 349
- Manu 3, 276
- Maritain, Jacques 323
- Materialism 253, 255, 257
- Materia Medica 364
- Matthew, the Gospel according to St 364-6
- Mau Mau 148
- Mays, Benjamin 151, 197
- McCarthyism 114, 200
- Mein Kampf 148
- Menninger, Roy W. 173
- Mennonites 223
- Metamorphoses 360
- Meyer, William H. 12
- Miller, Webb 196
- Millis, Walter 182
- Mississippi 90, 209, 212-8
- Mohammad, Prophet 380
- Montgomery bus boycott 44, 71, 202-3, 232
- Mooney, Tom 230
- Moore, G.E. 340
- Moral resistance 34-5, 49
- Morris, Jones 311
- Mother India 278
- Mukherjee, Hiren 311, 317
- Muste, A.J. 51, 197-9, 202-3
- N.A.A.C.P. 209-11, 215
- Narayan, Jayaprakash 156
- National Labour Relations Act 229
- Natural law 292-3, 295
- Nazis 77, 148, 160-2
- Necodemus 363
- Negroes 46, 108, 122, 127, 197, 200, 202-3, 209-13, 215, 217-8, 232-4, 288
- Nehru, Jawaharlal ix, 4, 17, 140, 142, 157, 173, 196, 283, 287, 340, 369-70
- Nelson, William Stuart 204
- Nevada Action 202
- New England Abolitionist Convention 36
- New Testament 9, 15, 31, 34, 223-4,378
- The New York Times 219
- Niebuhr, Reinhold 197, 228
- Noel-Baker, Philip 263
- No More War 24
- Non-alignment 142, 345
- Non-cooperation 99-100, 150, 164, 345, 347
- Non-cooperation movement 382
- Non-possession 317
- Non-resistance 29, 35, 69-70, 73, 89-90, 223
- Nonviolence xiii, 3-5, 8-11, 14-8, 22-6, 49, 67, 72, 74, 76-78, 80-1, 84-5, 87-9, 99, 110, 113, 132, 139, 143-4, 151, 155, 166-9, 171, 197-8, 201-3, 209-10, 217, 221-2, 228-9, 231, 233-4, 245-6, 251-2, 267, 276-9, 294, 309, 313-4, 317-8, 322, 338, 342, 344, 360, 380, 383.
Nonviolence, generic 26, 28
- Nonviolence in an Aggressive World 198
- Nonviolence, types of 64
- Nonviolent action 76, 139, 145, 148-51, 153, 157, 167, 199, 200, 287
- Nonviolent Action against Nuclear Weapons 202
- Nonviolent direct action 31, 45, 47, 195, 231-2, 286
- Nonviolent resistance 22, 81, 113, 116-9, 196, 207, 223, 233
- Nonviolent resistance and direct action 26-8, 34, 49, 55, 81
- Nonviolent revolution 28, 48-52, 205, 382
- Nuclear bomb 244, 260, 262
- Nuclear deterrence 286, 289
- Nuclear pacifism 287
- Nuclear war xvi, 244, 254, 266, 271-3
- Organization of American States 183
- Origen 363, 366
- Origen and Greek Patristic Theology 361
- Ovid 360, 364
- Pacifism 22, 25, 34, 54, 67, 195
- Pacifist 80-3, 204, 213, 251, 360
- Page, Kirby 196
- Panchayati raj 308, 374
- Passive resistance 42, 69, 71-2, 314
- Patanjali 120
- Paul, Alice 231
- Paullin, Theodore 25
- Paul of Tarsus 75
- Paul, St 363
- Pax Romana 295
- Peace 39, 204, 244-5, 247-50, 253-4, 292, 294-5, 301, 346-7
- Peaceful resistance 43-4, 47
- Peacemakers 200-1
- Peace movement 185, 196, 198, 200-1, 204, 206, 228, 234
- Peace movement, radicalism in 198, 201
- Peace worker 250, 293, 295
- Penn, William 224-5, 302
- Phillips, J.B. 68
- The Philosophy of Compassion 363
- Plato 294
- Pliny 360
- Plotinus 361
- Polaris Action 202
- Poqo 92
- Porphyry 362
- The Power of Nonviolence 91, 195, 205
- Power, Paul 205
- Prasad, Rajendra 165, 167, 178
- Prohibition 307
- The Public Philosophy 175
- Pugwash Conference 190
- Pyarelal 287, 349
- Pythagoras 358-60, 364, 367
- Quakers 10-11, 15, 32-3, 196, 223-5, 231, 251, 295
- Quit India movement 382
- Racial justice 197, 199, 200, 204
- Radhakrishnan, S. 154, 249, 362
- Rajagopalachari, C. 167, 169, 272
- Ramayana 3
- Randolf, A. Phillip 199, 200
- Reconciliation 24
- Religion 11-2, 16-7, 175, 191, 268
- Richer by Asia 205
- Rogers, Carl R. 124-5
- Rolland, Romain 121, 195
- Roosevelt, F.D. 117, 199, 229
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 222
- Round Table Conference 196, 317
- Ruskin, John 331
- Russell, Bertrand 176, 272-3, 287, 335
- Rustin, Bayard 199-200, 287
- Sacco and Vanzetti 40-1
- Salt march 83, 196, 382
- SANE (National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy) 202
- Sartre, Jean Paul 175, 339
- Sarvodaya 373, 375
- Saturday Evening Post 203
- Satya 321, 331 (see also truth)
- Satyagraha xi, xv-vi, 44-6, 89, 91, 99-100, 102-4, 107, 109-11, 122, 125-6, 129, 133, 150, 153, 168, 191, 195, 197, 206, 271, 285, 288-90, 307, 314, 317, 341-2, 344-9, 377, 381-3
- Satyagrahi 46-7, 87, 101, 106-8, 121, 127, 243, 314, 343, 376
- Scott, Lawrence 202
- Scott, Michael 50, 93-4
- Sermon on the Mount 9, 31, 73, 115, 158, 223
- Sexby, Colonel 324
- Shanti Sena 155-6, 252, 374
- Sharp, Gene 70
- Sheean, Vincent 205
- Shridharani, Krishnalal 153, 195
- Sibley, Mulford 25
- Sit-ins 232-3
- Sizwe, Umkonte We 92
- Smith, Adam 286
- Smuts-Gandhi Agreement 381
- Snow, C.P. 93
- Socialism and war 326
- Socialist Labour Party 39
- Socialist Party 38-9
- Society of Friends 10, 31, 223
- Socrates 94, 271
- South Africa xi, 15, 138, 377, 379
- Speak Truth to Power 201
- Stalin, J. 137, 147, 328
- Stevenson, Adlai 172
- Stimson, Henry L. 117
- Stoics 350
- The Story of My Experiments with Truth 119, 144, 349, 359, 361, 363, 377
- Stroup, H.H. 40
- Student Nonviolent Co-ordinating Committee 203
- Student Peace Union 202
- Sutherland, Bill 202
- Swaraj 315-6
- Tagore, Rabindranath 159, 376, 381
- Taylor, Edmund 205
- Templin, Ralph 199
- Tenko San 352-4
- Tertz, Abram 327
- Their Morals and Ours 327
- Thomas, Norman 41
- Thompson, Allen 219
- Thoreau, Henry David 13-4, 227,287
- Thurman, Howard 151, 197
- Tillich, Paul 282
- Tinker (Professor) 312
- Tobias, Charming 151
- Tolstoy, Leo 11-2, 15, 32, 150, 381
- Toynbee, Arnold 382
- The Trial Begins 327
- Trier, Herson 326
- Triple revolution 212, 220
- Trotsky, Leon 326-7
- Truman, Harry 117
- Trusteeship xiv, 317
- Truth xii, xiv, 11, 15-7, 37, 75, 78, 117, 120-2, 133, 171, 246, 253, 281-2, 285, 292-3, 299, 302, 308-10, 313, 326, 330-1, 356, 365-7, 375
- Tucker, Benjamin 230
- Twentieth Century 93
- Unesco 293
- Unilateral initiatives 184-5
- United Nations xv, 13, 163, 181, 183, 190, 275, 285, 296, 301-2, 346
- Unity 195
- Unto This Last 391
- Upanisads 3
- Urban League 211
- Versailles, treaty of 255
- Vimalakirti Sutra 356
- Vinoba 53, 155, 164, 166-70, 249, 272, 368, 375
- Voltaire 176
- Vykom satyagraha 46
- Wade-ins 232
- War xv, 10, 35, 37-42, 50-1, 82-3, 86, 153, 158, 160, 164, 172-5, 177, 179-82, 184-6, 188, 216, 220, 225-8, 248, 253-4, 256-7, 263, 271-4, 297, 298, 302-3, 342-3, 345-6
- War Resisters League 219
- War Without Violence 153, 195
- Washington Post 13
- Wells, H.G. 7
- White Citizens' Council 219
- Women's International League for Peace and Freedom 227
- Wordsworth, William 130
- World Development Year 302
- World Pacifist Conference 24, 201, 203
- World Peace Brigade 205
- World Refugee Year 302
- The World Tomorrow 197
- World War I 38-9, 186, 188, 228, 241
- World War 11 22, 39-40, 181, 186, 206, 228-30, 240-1, 242, 255, 274, 287
- Yadavas 273
- Yevtushenko, Yevgeny 328
- Yoga Sutra 120
- Young India 309
- Yudhisthira 335, 338