The interest evinced in my experiment in unfired food and the testimony
received in support are truly remarkable. Some correspondents even send
their experiences for publication. But I refrain. I have found among
enthusiasts a tendency towards exaggeration. They often build their
conclusions on insufficient data or see a connection between a result
and their experiment not warranted by actuality. Whilst therefore these
experiences are very helpful to me, as I am able to check them by my
own, I am chary of sending them out as a guide to fellow seekers. I
therefore propose periodically to give the verified results of my own
experiences and observation coupled with the caution that even they are
liable to variation. I have found after prolonged experiment and
observation that there is no fixed dietetic rule for all constitutions.
All that the wisest physicians claim for their advice is that it is
likely to benefit in a given case as in a majority of cases they have
found it to answer fairly well. In no branch of science is the
scientist so hampered in his research as in the medical. He dare not
speak with certainty of the effect of a single drug or food or of the
reactions of human bodies. It is and will always remain empirical. The
popular saying that one man's food may be another's poison is based on
vast experience which finds daily verification. Such being the case, the
field for experiment on the part of intelligent men and women is
limitless. Laymen ought to acquire a workable knowledge of the body
which plays such an important part in the evolution of the soul within.
And yet about nothing are we so woefully negligent or ignorant as in
regard to our bodies. Instead of using the body as a temple of God we
use it as a vehicle for indulgences, and are not ashamed to run to
medical men for help in our effort to increase them and abuse the
earthly tabernacle.
But now for nothing the results to date:
- There are now twenty-two in the Mandir making the experiment with me.
Most of them have given up milk.
- They are now having bananas added to their diet and the quantity of
cocoanut taken has been increased.
- It can be stated with tolerable confidence that when milk is retained
there is no danger of weakness or any other untoward result.
- There is no difficulty about digesting uncooked sprouted grains and
pulses and uncooked green vegetables.
- Cases of constipation have in most cases yielded to the elimination of
grains and pulses and a liberal use of coconut milk and green vegetables
such as dudhi (marrow), pumpkin, cucumber, etc., all taken with
their skins well washed. Coconut milk is prepared by grating an undried
cocoanut fine and mixing it with its own or other clean water and
straining and pressing through a stout cloth. A whole cocoanut may be
thus taken without the slightest injury or discomfort.
- In the majority of cases weight has been lost, but the medical
authorities who favour unfired food assert that the loss of weight is a
healthy reaction up to a point and is a sign of the body throwing off
poisonous matter.
- The majority still experience weakness but persist in their experiment,
believing in the above mentioned authorities that weakness is an
intermediate stage in this experiment. There is no doubt that the
stomach which has undergone distention through overfeeding with starchy
and fatty foods feels an emptiness till it resumes its natural size.
- The experiment is not an easy thing nor does it yield magical results.
It requires patience, perseverance and caution. Each one has to find his
or her own balance of the different ingredients.
- Almost every one of us has experienced a clearer brain power and
refreshing calmness of spirit.
- Many have found the experiment as a decided help in allaying animal
- Too much stress cannot be laid on the imperative necessity of thorough
mastication. I observe that even many of the careful inmates do not know
the art of mastication and have therefore bad teeth and spongy gums. A
few days of hard and conscientious chewing of the cocoanut and green
vegetable has brought about wonderful results in this direction.
Several physicians are taking an interest in my experiment. They send
me texts from Ayurvedic writings for or against the articles I have been
using. Two or three have sent me the identical text against taking honey
mixed with hot water and pronouncing dire results. When I ask them
whether they have verified the text from their own experience they are
silent. My own experience of taking honey mixed with hot water extends
to more than four years. I have experienced no ill effect whatsoever.
Objection has also been raised against the use of honey on humanitarian
grounds. This objection has, I admit, considerable force though the
Western method of gathering honey is cleaner and less open to objection.
I fear that if I would be strictly logical I should have to cut down
many things I take or use. But life is not governed by strict logic. It
is an organic growth, seemingly irregular growth, following its own law
and logic. I began taking honey in Yeravda jail under medical advice. I
am not sure that its use is now necessary for me. Western doctors bestow
high praise upon it. Most of them who condemn the use of sugar in
unmeasured terms speak highly of honey which they say does not irritate
as refined sugar or even gur does. I do not want to weaken my
present experiment by abjuring honey just now. The humanitarian aspect
will be infinitely more served, if the unfired food experiment succeeds
beyond doubt.
Another physician quotes a text against the use of sprouted pulses but
he too lacks actual experience for supporting his text. And this has
been my complaint against many Ayurvedic physicians. I have no doubt
that there is abundant ancient wisdom buried in the Sanskrit medical
works. Our physicians appear to be too lazy to unearth that wisdom in
the real sense of the term. They are satisfied with merely repeating the
printed formula. Even as a layman I know many virtues are claimed for
several Ayurvedic preparations. But where is their use, if they cannot
be demonstrated today? I plead for the sake of this ancient science for
a spirit of genuine search among our Ayurvedic physicians. I am as
anxious as the tallest among them can be to free ourselves from the
tyranny of Western medicines which are ruinously expensive and the
preparation of which takes no count of the higher humanities.
Young India, 8-8-1929