Letter, July 9, 192613

[Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Howard, members of the missionary society of the Presbyterian Church, wrote in a letter of February 20, 1926, to Gandhiji: "... our attention was called to the fact that you have read the New Testament twice, and now believe that Jesus Christ was a very good man only. Since we believe that you consider truthfulness as a necessary characteristic of a good man, we wish to call your attention to the fact that Christ said `I and my Father are one' (John, 10:30) and He told the Samaritan woman at the well that He was the looked-for Messiah (John, 4:25,26). So it seems to us that unless you want an untruthful person for an example, you must either accept Him for what He claimed to be or throw Him out entirely as an untruthful impostor." They stated that they were praying daily, asking God to reveal Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World, to him until they read in the papers or heard from him that he had found "Him who is life eternal."14]

The Ashram,
July 9, 1926

Dear friend,
I have your letter. Truth is not so simple as it appears to you. You know the story of the elephant and seven blind men who actually touched him. They all touched him at different parts. Their descriptions therefore differed from one another. They were all true from their own points of view and yet each appeared to be untrue from the points of view of the rest. The truth was beyond all the seven. We are all, you will perhaps agree, in the position of these seven sincere observers. And we are blind as they are blind. We must therefore be content with believing the truth as it appears to us. The authenticity and the interpretation of the Biblical record is a thing you will not want me to discuss.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. Robt. Armstrong
Mrs. Paul R. Howard
2293 E Prospect 5
Kewanee, Illinois

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