Letter, August 24, 192842

[Mr. Danforth (1870-1955) was head of the Ralston Purina Company, Missouri, which manufactured animal feed and other food products. He and his wife, together with two friends, met Gandhiji in Colombo on November 22, 1927. He wrote an account of the interview in a letter to his colleagues in America, later published in a book.43]

Satyagraha Ashram, Sabarmati,
August 24, 1928

Dear friend,
I thank you for your letter as also for the parcel of your food products sent through Mr. B. N. Birla. He sent me also a copy of the book you have written on your Indian experience. As my menu is limited and as I do not eat things of whose composition I have no knowledge, I have not been able to try any of the delicacies you have kindly sent me. But I have distributed your biscuits amongst the Ashram inmates. If it is not a secret, I would like to know how the corn flakes are prepared and whether anything beyond wheat is used in preparing the flakes. Is it not the same thing as the wheat flakes prepared at Dr. Kellogg's Battle Creek Sanatorium?

Yours sincerely,

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