[Dr. DuBois, the great African-American intellectual and leader of the African- American struggle for equality and of the Pan-African movement, was an admirer of Gandhiji and supported India's struggle for independence. He was for many years editor of The Crisis, organ of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.]

Letter, May 1, 192947

[In 1929, Dr. DuBois met C.F. Andrews, an associate of Gandhiji, and at his suggestion, wrote to Gandhiji for an article. Gandhiji sent a message which was published in The Crisis. For the text of the message sent with the following letter, please see Section V, "A message to the American Negro, May 1, 1929."]

As at the Ashram,
May 1, 1929

Dear friend,
I was delighted to receive your letter with a footnote by Mr. Andrews. It is useless for me even to attempt to send you an article for your magazine. I therefore send you herewith a little love message.

Yours sincerely,
M. K. Gandhi

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