Postcard, May 12, 192653

[Miss Garvey, daughter of Marcus Garvey, the African- American leader of Caribbean origin, sent a book, Brief in the Case of United States vs. Marcus Garvey to Gandhiji on March 28, 1925. In 1926, she sent two of her books to Gandhiji, and wrote after receiving an acknowledgment: "Of the many acknowledgements of the books received, I cherish most the one from M.K. Gandhi, the Mahatma of India, dated May 12, 1926, from `The Ashram, Sabarmati, India.' He addressed me as `Dear Friend.'"54]

The Ashram

Dear friend,
I had the 2nd volume of the Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey or Africa for Africans for which I thank you.

Yours sincerely,
M.K. Gandhi

Amy Jacques Garvey
P.O. Box No. 22, Station E
New York City

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