Letter, December 9, 192677

[Miss Hull (1872-1958), national chairman of the United States section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, wrote to Gandhiji on November 6, 1926:
"I am writing for the United States Section of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to tell you how warmly our organization would welcome a visit from you to our United States. We consider that your message for Peace and Goodwill is a message for people everywhere and that delivered personally would be a great help to the whole movement."78]

As at the Ashram, Sabarmati,
December 9, 1926

Dear friend,
I have your kind letter. Yours is the fourth invitation I have received to visit America. Somehow or other, I do not think [feel?] as yet the call within. If I am to be guided by the mere desire, I should straight away respond to your invitation. But something within me tells me that I could not deliver my message more effectively by going to America than by living it myself here, however inadequately it may be.

Yours sincerely,

Hannah Clothier Hull
National Chairman
504, Walnut Lane
Swarthmore, Penna

[Miss Hull sent a telegram in January 1930 - when the Indian National Congress first observed the Independence Day - which read: "United States Women's International League expresses sympathy India's aspirations self-government and earnestly hopes it may be secured by triumphantly practising your policy non- violence."79]

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