Perry, Samuel R.

Letter, (after May 26), 1928134

[Mr. Perry, an orange grower in California interested in Tolstoy and the Quakers, and a reader of Young India, wrote to Gandhiji on May 26, 1928, conveying his opposition to birth control, his views about a true Christian etc. He said he had sent Gandhiji a pamphlet written by him and a book, Does Civilisation Need Religion? by Reinhold Niebuhr.135

Dear friend,
I was thankful for your letter of 26th May last. I do not remember having received the book Does Civilization Need Religion? It has given me joy to have so many friends and sympathisers in the Far West.

Yours sincerely,

[Mr. Perry wrote again on 7 October and 8 November, and sent more books. He wrote: "... many of us are glad to accord an honoured place to yourself as one who is living in the spirit of the Gospel and imbued with the spirit of Jesus the Christ."136]

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