Ragani Devi

Letter, March 25, 1924139

[Ragini Devi, an exponent of Indian dance, wrote to Gandhiji on February 11, 1924, that in spite of his isolation (in prison), his ideals had commanded more and more attention in America. She wished him a speedy recovery. (Gandhiji was released from prison in February for health reasons and was convalescing in Poona). She sought his blessings for her work of popularising Indian music in the United States.140]

Post Andheri, 
March 25, 1924

Dear Srimati Ragini Devi,
I thank you for your kind letter of the 11th February and the interesting cutting containing your article on Indian music. I thank you for your kind inquiry about my health, and I am glad to be able to tell you and other friends who are interested in it that I am making steady progress towards complete recovery.

Yours sincerely,

Srimati Ragini Devi
1240, Union Street
New York

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