Villard, Oswald Garrison

Letter, September 14, 1927178

[Mr. Villard (1872-1949), editor of The Nation, a prominent liberal, pacifist and supporter of independence for India, sent Gandhiji a copy of the book Mother India by Katherine Mayo and his review of the book.]

As at Sabarmati,
September 14, 1927

Dear friend,
I thank you for your letter and copy of Miss Mayo's book. A friend of hers had already sent me a copy. I have now read it and written for Young India a fairly long review.179 I have asked the publishers to send you a marked copy of Young India. In the circumstances, I hope, you do not consider it necessary for me to write anything special. If however, on reading my review you consider that there is any point requiring elucidation please let me know. I read your review with a great deal of interest.

Yours sincerely,
M. K. Gandhi

Oswald Garrison Villard, Esq.
20, Vessey Street
New York

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