BC | The Bombay Chronicle, daily newspaper published in Bombay. |
DD | Delhi Diary (Prayer Speeches from 10-9-46 to 29-1-48), M.K. Gandhi, Navajivan Publishing House, Ahmedabad, 1948. |
EF | The Epic Fast, by Pyarelal. Mohanlal Maganlal Bhat, Ahmedabad. 1932. |
ER | Ethical Religion, by Mahatma Gandhi. S. Ganesan, Madras, 1930. |
GIV | Gandhiji In Indian Villages, by Mahadev Desai. S. Ganesan, Madras, 1927. |
H | Harijan, weekly journal edited by Gandhiji and others and published at Ahmedabad. |
HS | Hind Swaraj or Indian Home rule, by Mahatma Gandhi. Navjivan Press, Ahmedabad, 1928. |
LG | Lenin and Gandhi, by Rene Fullop-Miller. Putnam, London, 1930. |
Auto | The story of My Experiments with Truth by M.K. Gandhi. Navjivan Press Ahmedabad, 1956. |
SRIS | Self Restraint v. Self Indulgence, by M.K. Gandhi. Navjivan Press, Ahmedabad, Pt. I (1930) and Pt. II (1939). |
SSA | Satyagraha in South Africa, by M.K.Gandhi. Navjivan Press, Ahmedabad. 1928. |
SW | Speeches and Writings of Mahatma Gandhi, G.A. Natesan, Madras, 4th Edition, 1933. |
TI | The Times of India, daily Newspaper published in Bombay. |
WGG | with Gandhiji in Ceylon, by Mahadev Desai. S. Ganesan, Madras, 1928. |
YI | Young India, weekly journal edited by Gandhiji and published at Ahmedabad; ceased publication in February 1932. |
YM | From Yervada Mandir, by M. K. Gandhi Navjivan Press, Ahmedabad, 2nd Edition, 1935. |