Two Day International Symposium for Action'IS MAHATMA GANDHI POSSIBLE?'![]() (August 30-31, 2019)Venue:Sundri and Rama Watumull Auditorium (Ground Floor) Organized by:Kishinchand Chellaram College Chief Guest His Eminence Samdhong RinpocheyFormer Prime Minister of the Tibetian Government in Exile Keynote Speaker In the sesquicentennial birth anniversary year of Gandhi, it is imperative that we closely examine the man and the leader. Gandhi was one of the most influential leaders of the late nineteenth and mid twentieth century. He was highly introspective and expressive - exploring ideas on every aspect of human life be it social, political, economic, cultural, religious or spiritual. He was not a systematic theoretician. He was a man of action. It is difficult to understand Gandhi by merely studying his thoughts. We can understand him better by studying his actions. His thoughts had been evolving till the end of his life and he strived to bring his ideas into practice. Gandhi lived from the second half of the nineteenth to the first half of the twentieth century - an age in which the world faced huge challenges, many of which are still staring us in the face even today in even more complex forms. Gandhi's philosophy is said to be eternal and humanistic. However can Gandhian ideology succeed in finding solutions for the complex world problems of today? This symposium is a humble effort to explore this thought and see if twentieth century Gandhian philosophy can show mankind the right direction in the twenty first century. In a way it is an attempt to find out whether 'Mahatma Gandhi is possible?' in the contemporary age, in the backdrop of huge technological changes, societal divisions, rise of aggressive nationalism in the world and complexities of climate change. Register online | Download Brochure | List of Panelists Convener: |