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Mahatma Gandhi


6. To Leo Tolstoy

4th April, 1910


You may remember that I have written to you from London where I stopped temporarily. As your devoted follower I send you herewith a brief booklet which I have written. I have translated my own writings from Gujarati (my own language). What is remarkable is that my original book was confiscated by the Government of India. Therefore I was in a hurry to publish this translation. I am afraid I am burdening you; but if your health permits and you have time to go through my booklet, then I need not express how greatly I shall value your criticism of it. I am sending also a few copies of your A Letter to a Hindu which you allowed me to publish. This letter will also be translated into an Indian dialect.

Your respectfully,
M.K. Gandhi

Tolstoy & Gandhi, p. 66