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7. To Leo Tolstoy

M.K. Gandhi

21-24, Court Chambers,

15th August, 1910



I am much obliged to you for your encouraging and cordial letter of the 8th May last. I very much value your general approval of my booklet, Indian Home Rule. And if you have the time, I shall look forward to your detailed criticism of the work which you have been so good as to promise in your letter.

Mr Kallenbach has written to you about Tolstoy Farm. Mr Kallenbach and I have been friends for many years. I may state that he has gone through most of the experiences that you have so graphically described in your work My Confession. No writing has so deeply touched Mr Kallenbach as yours; and, as a spur to further effort in living up to the ideals held before the world by you, he has taken the liberty, after consultation with me, of naming his farm after you.

Of his generous action in giving the use of the farm for passive resisters, the numbers of Indian Opinion I am sending herewith will give you full information.

I should not have burdened you with these details but for the fact of your taking a personal interest in the passive resistance struggle that is going on in Transvaal.

I remain,
Your faithful servant,

Tolstoy & Gandhi, p. 68