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Mahatma Gandhi


53A. To Madeleine Slade

148, Russa Road,
July 24, 1925


I was pleased to receive your letter which has touched me deeply. The samples of wool you have sent are excellent.

You are welcome whenever you choose to come. If I have advice of the steamer that brings you, there will be someone receiving you at the steamer, and guiding you to the train that will take you to Sabarmati. Only please remember that the life at the Ashram is not all rosy. It is strenuous. Bodily labour is given by every inmate. The climate of this country is also not a small consideration. I mention these things not to frighten you, but merely to warn you.

Yours sincerely,
M.K. Gandhi

PS. As my right hand requires rest, I am dictating my correspondence.

Collected Works of Mahatma Gandhi, Vol. XXVII, pp. 414-15