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60. To Dhan Gopal Mukherjee

Dated 7-9-'28


I have your letter. I have never quoted Tolstoy or any other author without acknowledgment in any of my writings. And I do not remember having often quoted authors in my writings; not because I would not but because my reading is so poor and capacity for reproducing what I have read is still less.

The vow of celibacy was undoubtedly taken after I had acquired considerable acquaintance with Tolstoy's teachings. And, whilst it is as a general statement quite true that my life is based upon the teachings of the Gita, I would not be able to swear that Tolstoy's writings and teachings did not influence my decision about celibacy.

So much for your satisfaction. I hope at some date to deal with your vital question in the pages of Young India.

Yours sincerely,
M.K. Gandhi

From a photostat: S.N. 14378