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90. To Agatha Harrison1

Panchgani, 13th July 1944


I have your letter of 14th June. Everything I do turns to dust. It must be so, so long as I am 'untrustworthy'. If I could plead guilty, I would at once mend my way. On the contrary I know I have done nothing to forfeit the confidence I used at one time to enjoy among the official circles.

You know the attempt I made to see the members of the Working Committee and, failing that permission, to see the Viceroy. Perhaps the chief difficulty is the opinion reported to have been held by Mr Churchill about me. You know the oftquoted passages attributed to him. He is said to want to "crush" me "the naked fakir". The body can be crushed, never the spirit. But if the report is true—and it has never been denied—it gives the clue to all my so-called failures.

I can give you the assurance that nothing dismays or disappoints me. If I represent the truth and if I do as God bids me, I know that the wall of distortion and suspicion will topple. Only be patient with me. I feel for you and friends like you.

Recently I had, sent to me, a letter2 written by Henry [Polak] to the Press whilst he was in America. Tell him if you see him that it distressed me deeply. I never could have thought that he could believe lies about me without verification from me.

Ere this reaches you, you will have known from the Press about the attempt I made to solve the communal tangle in collaboration with Rajaji who has been with me these few days.

My love to all the friends. I sent a letter to Muriel



Mahatma Gandhi-Correspondence with the Government - 1944-'47, pp. 33-34

1 Miss Agatha Harrison-During World War I, went into social work in factories; in 1921-24 went to China and while there served on the Child Labour Commission of Shanghai; in 1925-28 worked in America on Industrial and International questions; in 1929 came to India with the Royal Commission on Labour; since 1931, worked with C. F. Andrews; and under Gandhiji's advice, helped in disseminating correct information on Indian affairs in Britain; visited India several times then.
2 In the letter in question Henry Polak had made certain remarks about Gandhiji's attitude in regard to the war and his role in "Quit India" struggle at a time when Britain was in distress which Gandhiji considered to be highly damaging.