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92. To Shriman Narayan

On the train to Calcutta,


I am sending today your manuscript1 and my Foreword.2

I finished all this work last night at 9.30 p.m. During the period I could snatch some time only for meals and spinning. Please let me know if any alterations are required in my Foreword.

I have made two changes in the manuscript. If you do not approve of them, please discuss with me.

You will notice that I have left the Taluka and District Panchayats unspecified. They should be only advisory. Why should we give them a definite place in our constitutional system. I am doubtful about their need. When the villages really become active and alive, the need for advisory bodies should automatically diminish. The Provincial Panchayats could discharge these responsibilities, and whenever necessary, enlist the co-operation of the Taluka and District units. If there is any error in this idea, please let me know. I have been able to go through the manuscript rather hurriedly.

It is for consideration whether Pakistan and the Princely States can have any place in my conception. Remember that a Gandhian Constitution could be feasible only if we reach that stage through non-violence.

Bapu ke Ashirvad

1 Manuscript of Shriman Narayanji's treatise entitled The Gandhian Constitution for Free India (Published by Kitabistan, Allahabad, 1946).
2 See Appendix III on page 275.