
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi



Abhanga : devotional metrical poetry in Marathi

Advaita : Vedantic concept for Monism

Aduaitavadins : believers in Advaita

Aman : freedom from desire of respect

Ashram : one of the four stages of the Hindu way of life; a place for renunciation; a place for disciplined community life

Asuri Sampat : mind's propensities leading to evil darkness

Avatar : incarnation

Bhagawadgita : The celestial poem containing cream of the deepest Hindu thought—specially highlighting the doctrine of Karma—selfless action

Bhagawat : mythological work of divine glory

Bhakta: a devotee

Bhakti: devotion

Brahma: The Supreme

Brahmabhuta: one immersed in the spirit of Brahma

Brahmacharya: chastity, continence; literally conduct to God-realization

Chitta: enlivened mind

Charvaka: materialistic school of thought known by the name of its preacher

Daivi Sampad: divine-higher propensities of mind leading to man's upliftment

Daya: compassion

Dharma: one's path of duty; religion

Dwadasha Mantra: the sacred verse of 12 syllables dedicated to Lord Krishna

Gayatri: consecrated Vedic mantra of immense potency

Guru: a spiritual guide; teacher

Gurudev: a reverential term for guru, guru hailed as god

Jay Rama: Glory to Rama

Khadi, Khaddar: hand-spun & hand-woven cloth-in

Kshatriya: a warrior; one belonging to the second division of the pristine Hindu society

Lok-sangraha: that leading to conservation of society

Mantra: a sacred and pithy verse

Maya: denoting illusive nature of the transient world

Moksha: salvation; liberation from birth & death

Muni: a recluse; one keeping silence to meditate on the Divine

Mauna: silence

Punya: accrued merit from service & devotion, etc.

Rakshasas: demons; evil-doers

Ramanama: the name of Rama; recitation of His name

Ramayana: the Epic of Rama by Valmiki

Rishis: those given to deep austerity & penance to explore Eternity; men of wide vision

Sadhana: spiritual practice

Sattvic: denoting the divine qualities of mind

Satyagraha: clinging to truth; soul-force; Gandhi's weapon of non-violent resistance

Satyagrahi: one wedded to Satyagraha doctrine

Shastras: scriptures

Shloka: metrical verse of devotion

Sirkar: Governmental or local authority

Sthitaprajna: man of steady mind; one risen above dualities

Tamas & Rajas: mind's propensities leading to darkness and self activity respectively

Tapas: penance; austerity

Tapascharya: one given to practising penance Thana: police station

Vaishnauas: devotees of Vishnu—the Divine Dispenser

Vedas: the Earliest Hindu scriptures in lyrical form emanating perennial wisdom. They are Rigveda, Samveda, Yajurveda and Atharvaveda

Yajna: a ritual at the altar of God; sacrifice

Yamas: injunctions for religious life

Yoga: practice of body, mind & soul for realization Yogi: one practising Yoga