
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


Gandhiji's Favorite Gujarati Hymn

He is a Vaishnava who identifies himself with others' sorrows and in so doing,
has no pride about himself.
Such a one respects, every one and speaks ill of none.
He controls his speech, his passions, and his thoughts.
May his mother be blessed; he is equidisposed towards all,
has no desires, regards another's wife as his mother,
always speaks the truth, and does not touch other people's property.
He labours neither under infatuation nor delusion and
withdraws his body from worldly things;
he is intent on Ramanama; his body is his sacred shrine for pilgrimage;
he is no miser and is free from cunning and he has conquered passions and anger.
Narasaiyo says: His presence purifies his surroundings.