
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


Rev. John Heynes Holmes

(March 1922 issue of Unity, New York in "WILL GANDHI SUCCEED") (Page 16)

"We believe that Gandhi will succeed in his Political aims and thus free India, but this achievement, great as it is, will be but an incident in his larger spiritual work. Beware, therefore, of non-violence and the non-violent."

(Page 19) March 12, 1922 issue of UNITY, New York.

"There is one final aspect of Gandhi's universal significance... I can best convey to you what I mean by referring to the charges most often brought against Gandhi by his enemies, that he is a fantastic who would destroy everything that civilization has achieved in the last three hundred years...

There is truth, however, in the statements that Gandhi is fighting the machine of Western civilization in India and seeking to restore the native and, therefore, primitive culture of his people. It is just this which marks, to my mind, the culminating evidence of his genius as a spiritual leader..."

At the heart of this western civilization of ours, Gandhi believes, is death and not hope..."