
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


Common Abbreviations

BIA British Indian Association
CBIA Colonial Born Indian Association
CWMG Collected Works Of Mahatma Gandhi
DIA Durban Indian Association
DIS Durban Indian Society
DIWA Durban Indian Women's Association
HIS Hamidia Islamic Society
HSS Hind Sudhar Sabha
HYMA Hindu Young Men's Association
HYMS Hindu Young Men's Society
INC Indian National Congress
IO Indian Opinion
KAM Kathiawad Arya Samaj
MDS Mahomedan Debating Society
MYMS Mahomedan Young Men's Society
NAR Natal Archives Repository
NIA Natal Indian Association
NIC Natal Indian Congress
NIPU Natal Indian Patriotic Union
NLCC Natal Land and Colonisation Company
SABIC South African British Indian Committee
SAIA South African Indian Association
SAIC South African Indian Committee
SHA Surat Hindu Association
SN Serial Number
SNA Secretary of Native Affairs
TBS Tamil Benefit Society
UPS United Patidar Society
YMA Young Muslim Association
YMS Young Muslim Society