Common Abbreviations | |
BIA | British Indian Association |
CBIA | Colonial Born Indian Association |
CWMG | Collected Works Of Mahatma Gandhi |
DIA | Durban Indian Association |
DIS | Durban Indian Society |
DIWA | Durban Indian Women's Association |
HIS | Hamidia Islamic Society |
HSS | Hind Sudhar Sabha |
HYMA | Hindu Young Men's Association |
HYMS | Hindu Young Men's Society |
INC | Indian National Congress |
IO | Indian Opinion |
KAM | Kathiawad Arya Samaj |
MDS | Mahomedan Debating Society |
MYMS | Mahomedan Young Men's Society |
NAR | Natal Archives Repository |
NIA | Natal Indian Association |
NIC | Natal Indian Congress |
NIPU | Natal Indian Patriotic Union |
NLCC | Natal Land and Colonisation Company |
SABIC | South African British Indian Committee |
SAIA | South African Indian Association |
SAIC | South African Indian Committee |
SHA | Surat Hindu Association |
SN | Serial Number |
SNA | Secretary of Native Affairs |
TBS | Tamil Benefit Society |
UPS | United Patidar Society |
YMA | Young Muslim Association |
YMS | Young Muslim Society |