
Some men changed their times...
One man changed the World for all times!

Comprehensive Website on the life and works of

Mahatma Gandhi


Dandi gave gift upon gift

He was not a king
Tho' he inspired Martin Luther King

He was a leader for Indians
Tho' inspired lives of African Americans

He didn't revolt, keeping in mind, a future date
Tho' African Americans got the right to vote

Dandi was his historic march
In the struggle for freedom, it led to a march

It proved, Mahatma Gandhi as able
As he represented India, at the Round Table

Contributions of Dandi was heft
Indeed, Dandi gave gift upon gift!

- Above poem is adapted from the eBook "YOU CAN CHANGE! WITH YOUR VOTE!! AND OTHER MIXED POEMS" by Shri.V.Muthu manickam.
Copyright is held by Shri.V.Muthu manickam. Email: