Letter, February 27, 194722

[Mr. Borsch, a student at Pratt Institute in New York, wrote on February 11, 1947, that he wished to visit India "to find and learn about those things, which in the material-minded West one regarded with a sort of pitying contempt." He also sought Gandhiji's advice on diet.23]

Ramganj P.S. Noakhali Dist.,
February 27, 1947

Dear friend,
I have your letter of the 11th ultimo. Distance lends enchantment to the scene. I would, therefore, warn you against visiting India for the enrichment of your life. Life, as it is found in India, is wholly different from the life described in the best books on ancient wisdom in the East. I wish I could give you definite guidance on the selection of your diet. We in India, not excluding myself, have learnt much from English and American literature on the diet question. The ordinary Indian diet is unbalanced and is heavily spiced. Therefore, I would advise you to consult the many American and English text-books written on vegetarianism and more especially on the kind of diet. You will gain much more than I could give from this literature if you used discretion.

Ludwig Borsch, Esq.
66 Tenimore Street
New York

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