Letter, (after April 14), 193124

[Mr. Borsodi (1888- ), author of several books, founded the "School of Living" - a non-violent community which encouraged "decentralised living" – at Suffern, NY. He wrote to Gandhiji on April 14, 1931, that he had followed "with special interest the gallant struggle you have been making against some of the follies of industrialism." He sent his latest book, This Ugly Civilisation, to Gandhiji and said: "I believe that there are some ideas in my latest book - which is a criticism of this industrialised civilisation of ours - which may be of interest and perhaps of help to you...It would make me very happy to have you read it. In any event, I wish you would look over the several references made to you, which you will find paged in the index."25 The date of Gandhiji's reply is not available.]

Dear friend, 
I thank you for your letter. I have not yet received your book, This Ugly Civilisation. When I do, I shall try to look into it.

Yours sincerely, 

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