Letter, April 27, 193326

[In a letter dated March 12, 1933, Mr. Bowman expressed his admiration for the work of Gandhiji. He said he had just read Katherine Mayo's Mother India, and asked Gandhiji to advise him "if Miss Mayo sticks to truth in this deplorable book or is she only after publicity money..."27]

April 27, 1933

Dear friend,
I thank you for your long letter.
I had one visit from Miss Mayo when she was in India. I have read her book and I wrote also a review on it which at that time had attracted considerable attention. It is my firm conviction that the book is filled with half-truths, innuendoes and deductions drawn from stray facts as if they represented a universal situation.

Yours sincerely,

Harry Bowman, Esq.
Beatrice, Nebraska

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