Letter, June 4, 194557

[Mr. Goldstein, Joe Goodman and Otto Grimm, believers in non-violence, sent a cable on May 18, 1945, that though Gandhiji could not attend the San Francisco Conference of the United Nations in June as a delegate, his presence in the United States at that time would exert a tremendous influence on the peoples of the world. They invited him to the conscientious objectors camp, administered by the American Friends Service Committee, in the mountains near Glendora, California.58 This reply was sent by Pyarelal, secretary of Gandhiji, on his behalf.]

Camp: "Dilkhush,"
Panchgani, India,
June 4, 1945

Dear friends,
Gandhiji has your cable.
He appreciates your desire to have him in America. But you have seen how he could not come. He could not force himself on the Committee. He has not much faith
in the value of more verbal talks. He is trying to forge the message of non-violence through his work in India. If he shows visible success here the world will get the message it needs. Therefore the conscientious objectors who are going to meet near Glendora would do well to closely study what he has been saying and doing in India. Particularly, they should study his writings preceding and after the 8th August 1942 Resolution of the Congress. They reflect the working of a non- violent mind in the face of the greatest crisis in the world's history.

Yours sincerely,

Messrs. Howard Goldstein,
Joe Goodman and Otto Grimm
Conscientious Objectors' Camp
Near Glendora
California (USA)

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