Letter, May 12, 192659

[Mr. Green (1885-1943), author and President of Duffield & Company, publishers, wrote to Gandhiji on April 13, 1926, referring to a cable he sent earlier and enquiring if he would permit them the privilege of reading his autobiography with a view to book publication in America. He said that Dr. John Haynes Holmes was a friend of his family and could inform him of the standing of the company.60]

The Ashram, Sabarmati,
May 12, 1926

Dear friend,
I have your letter of the 13 April last. I believe I had a prepaid cable from Paris to which I sent a reply. I cannot recall any prepaid cable from you from New York.
I would have gladly lent you a copy of my autobiography if I had it. But chapters are written from week to week. What has been written has already
been published. If you do not subscribe to Young India you can get a loan of it from Dr. Holmes. What should be done when the whole of the autobiography is written for its publication in book form has not yet been decided. Dr. Holmes, I understand, is in correspondence with the Macmillans.

Yours sincerely,

Horace Green, Esq.
Duffield & Company
211 East 19th Street
New York

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