Konrad, Joseph And Helen

Letter, March 17, 193387

[The Konrads wrote to Gandhiji on January 21, 1933, expressing admiration for him as one of God's noble men and informing him that they prayed that the Lord may lead him in the fold of the Church. They sent him a book with a request that he read it daily to get acquainted with the Christian doctrine. Life, being God's gift, they said, should not be parted with through fasting.88 They wrote again on 16 April, expressing joy at receiving his reply from prison, reproduced below, and said they would never cease "to pray for you, that on the Day of Resurrection you shall rise gloriously, Christ-like, Whom you followed in His footsteps..."89]

Dear friends, 
I thank you for your letter and the book accompanying it. You will be glad to hear that I had already read it and that was with much interest and profit. This was years ago.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Joseph & Helen Konrad
158 Harrison Street
Passaic, N.J.

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